
Where are You Headed?

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6

As far back as high school, my path was changed by my parents to enroll me in a curriculum they thought would be best, and off into the wild blue yonder I went.  It took me years to find the yellow brick road back home.  Believe me, it was more than clicking my heels and making a wish.

Have you ever gotten off course?  It is so good to know we can stay on the right path, or get back on course if we just acknowledge God. He works it in for our good. Those words are so sweet to our ears, knowing we have someone to talk to that cares. Stay focused and be consistent until you are consistent regularly.

I remember one day having a planned schedule to run my errands for the day, and be back home by a certain time.  As I started on my path, I took a thought to detour my directions, and that second thought took me far out of my way.  Of course I didn’t meet my deadline to return home on time.  Since then, I have learned how important it is to have a plan and stay the course as much as possible. I wonder how many blessings and opportunities we have missed because of detours. 

Let’s commit today to stay on the path God has for our life.  Chart your course before stepping out into that new career, starting your business, and even the simple things like running errands.  You may have to adjust your steps as you go, but at least you have set it on course.  The hardest part is discipline.  Until it becomes a habit you will have to discipline yourself by setting the goal before your eyes.  Remember, when we acknowledge the most high, He will direct our steps.

If you fail to plan, you have already planned to fail. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. It will become procrastination. So, let us plan for the greatest days ahead by staying focused and developing strategic steps to achieve every goal!

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