My Friend Ministries wants you to know that there is no mountain too high, no valley too low, and no river too wide that God can’t get through to touch, heal, and love you. He wants to be a part of whatever is going on in your life. So, let me introduce you to a Friend who can change your life forever! He has a plan for you and…“Your Life Is Worth Living.”

“Do everything with love and love will touch everything you do.”
– Evangelist Maria Heard

Donations can also be mailed to:
My Friend Ministries
P.O. Box 361230
Grosse Pointe, MI 48236
Evangelist Heard, I would like to help you reach people and change their lives for Christ.
“If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated.” Luke 6:38
When Minister Heard said, God was doing a healing in the heart, the power of God began to move upon my heart and I began to tremble all over. I knew God had healed my inner wounds long stand emotional hurt that cause high blood pressure. I believe and know God touch and healed me today.
– M.W.
I just cannot thank you enough for blessing me with the healing scriptures when I needed them. I said them over and over daily. I would often read them out loud and praise God when the word touched my spirit. I told the doctor that I could see colors then I could see the ‘E’ on the eye chart. He said, “You cannot see it.” I told him I could. He was in total disbelief. God is in charge always. They said I would never see out of my eye again but today I see. I know that my Redeemer lives!
– R.P.
Joy and her family glows with happiness when they received the gift of a new school uniform and school sweeter for Joy. They are very grateful and humbled with the support they are getting through Life for Children Welfare. Her mother lamented with so much happiness that she could not have managed if God did not send Joy’s sponsor (Evangelist Maria Heard) to be part of their family. Thank you Evangelist Maria for your generosity. May God bless you and My Friend Ministries
– Missionary Michael