What is change? Change is not doing the same thing the same old way and expecting different results. That is the definition for insanity. However, change is a passing from one form or place to a different one; lack of sameness; and transformation.
Change begins with you. It starts from the inside out in your thoughts, heart, beliefs, character, decisions, words, and actions. When we change, we will begin to see change in our family, community, nation, and neighboring nations across the world. Look at how you handle your business. If you are discipline, you will become discipline in your spending or other areas because you like the results.
It is easy to stay in our comfort zones and allow someone else to do what we are unwilling to do because of the pain change may bring. However, let us focus on the results of changing for the better – VICTORY. We must have an attitude to stick with it until we see results. When pressure comes, connect with someone who will encourage you. Meditate the scriptures you believe to happen. Do not quit and allow discouragement to steal your victory. For example, when exercising it can be easy to take a day or two off, but you return to the reality that you have to start all over again to try to accomplish where you left off in your progress. NO! You are more than a conqueror, so decide to change now and be consistent in laying a foundation for 2024 by changing in 2023. In 2023 and the years to come, you will look back on this moment you made this quality decision with a sigh of relief and gratitude. Don’t take a ‘Chance’ make a ‘Change.’
So, my final question to you is, “What changes will you make in your life today?” Your future will be a reflection of the changes you make.